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Envisioning the Future of Connectivity

The future once envisioned only in TV and movies is now just around the corner. Discover how innovation in connectivity is enabling scientific marvels where vehicles communicate with the world around them, homes store their power from the sun and connectors turn contactless. 


Whatever happened to the world of tomorrow? Now come and gone, 2020 was once envisioned as a future of space colonies, jet packs and robotic housekeepers. Did we let the dream fade or has it just manifested in a different form: a technological revolution focused on better connecting us to our world rather than leaving it? 

Innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, 5G and 6G infrastructure, and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) connectivity place us on the brink of technologies never imagined. We now live in a massive, interconnected network of vehicles, consumer devices, data centers and the power grid itself. How will this web of people, devices and places continue to grow and evolve over the years to come? And what will be needed to support it?

Join us as we explore insights, predictions and challenges to our connected future — and how it will look over the next decade. 

By the Numbers



Antennas in Tomorrow's Vehicles



Global Hyperscale Data Centers by End of 2026


$50 Billion

Market Value of Residential Lithium-ion Battery Storage Systems in 2030


Predicting the Connectivity of Tomorrow

How close are we to contactless connectivity — and where does that leave mechanical connectors? What will V2X mean for the shark fin antenna? What role will energy storage play in the future connected home? Our report — Predicting the Connectivity of Tomorrow: The Innovations Driving the Connected World — answers these questions and many more, with insights provided by engineering and industry experts with a finger on the pulse of our rapidly changing world.   

Connectivity Report


Contactless Connectivity: A Rival of Mechanical Connectors?

The significance of contactless connectivity cannot be overstated. Sleeker designs, greater ruggedization and more innovative features are all achievable by replacing mechanical connectors with contactless solutions.


6G on the Horizon: Redefining Wireless Possibilities

6G is the next generation of wireless technology, promising to deliver even faster speeds, lower latency and greater capacity than 5G. Although 6G is still in its early stages of development, it could one day revolutionize how we live and work — from enabling remote surgery to fully virtual environments. But first, what’s needed to make 6G possible?  


Trends in Connector Development for 2030 and Beyond

From consumer devices to industrial robotics, the future is full of excitement. But innovation is not only found in the final product — it is also reinventing the components within. Learn how Molex is creating a new era of interconnect solutions. 

Mike Deppe
“Data is driving this innovation, leveraging the needs for high-speed connectors with high-performance signal integrity. These complex connector systems must balance electrical, mechanical and thermal performance in unison without compromise. That’s why collaborative integration of the design, architecture and selection of components is critical to meet future data expectations.”
Mike Deppe
VP, Global Product Development

Additional Resources


Redefining “Everything” in V2X

Vehicle-to-everything technology most commonly represents the signal connectivity between vehicles and the world around them, enabling safer and more autonomous driving experiences. But with the emergence of electric vehicles (EV), V2X is taking a broader meaning — one where EVs act as mobile battery storage systems, feeding energy back to the grid (V2G), the home (V2H) and other devices (vehicle-to-load: V2L).  


Protecting Worker Safety with Ergonomic Assembly

Modern appliances are more feature-rich than ever before, resulting in more complex electronic systems — many of which must still be carefully assembled by hand. Repetitive motions and strain increase risks of carpal tunnel syndrome and muscle damage and can harm mental wellbeing. Discover how Molex is collaborating with its customers to protect worker safety through the ergonomic design of its connectors. 


Harnessing the Power of 224G

Now a household name due to the overnight success of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, generative AI is reinventing what it means to be a modern data center. To realize the potential of AI, hyperscalers must be purpose-built for massive computing power and storage capacity. Read on to learn why 224 Gbps-PAM4 technology is necessary for the generative AI revolution, and why Molex’s 224G solution portfolio is ahead of the curve.  


Miniaturizing the Factory for Big Data

Rather than relying on massive, heavy machinery, modern and future factories must prioritize data, analysis and IoT for more efficient and responsive production. In fact, integrating Industry 4.0 technology in existing factories often requires going much, much smaller. Learn how miniaturization, single pair ethernet (SPE), sensors and 5G are enabling tomorrow’s manufacturing.